Visual Development
"HuLu Brothers“, or "The Legend of the Calabash Brothers", is a popular Chinese animated series that tells the story of seven brothers, who are transformed from gourds, each with a unique color and power. They fight against evil demons to protect their grandpa and the innocent. The story emphasizes the importance of teamwork, courage, and loyalty, and is loved by both children and adults in China.
Redesign of 1986’s Chinese Animation: Hulu Brothers
Chamber of Illusion
The dazzling Illusion that the antagonist created to baffle one of the Hulu brothers with the ability of clairvoyant.
Ruyi Prop Design
Ruyi (如意) the antagonist’s magic wand
Ruyi is a symbol of the snake monster’s immense power and wisdom. With it, she can manipulate the elements and control the forces of nature in their battles.
Chamber of Illusion Entrance
The entrance to Chamber of illusion
Chamber of Poison
Where the antagonist poison and brainwash the youngest hulu brother, by the time when he is not yet ripe.
Monster’s Cave
Where the antagonist, Snake and Scorpion yaojing (monster) lives.
Where the protagonist, Hulu brothers and their grandpa lives.
Fishing Village
Background Design
Evening in Paris
Background Design
Retro-futuristic City
Props design
Opuntia Pitaien
background design
Lily Pond
Matte Painting
A student led game design capstone and prototype, Ao Shu Spellslinger is a top down action game set in an ancient China fueled by a magical industral age. It is a Top Down Action RPG exploring an ancient china that is thrust into a magical industrial revolution caused by the discovery of arcane alchemy, in which one girl must utilize this newfound discovery to defeat foes who seek to use this tool for evil.